Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another update from Model Parliament

So Model Parliament today saw some highs and lows. And some candidates were there too!

I think everyone who was previously mentioned as being there was there again. Aminka Belvitt who's running for BOA was there as well. And what happened:
Peter Flynn DID table documents attesting to his high economics grades. If that doesn't sway anyone's votes one way or another, he did start spinning his arm in the air and bouncing around like a rodeo clown during 2nd reading of a bill. He also has a firm handshake.
Iain Brannigan was there, he talked about how if he was on the BOA he'd like to see more recycling initiatives as well as things about student power. the $35 fee to split tuition payments came up as well and he's certainly targeted that. He also promises me the answers to my questions will finally be arriving in my inbox soon.
Cam Gray (for BOA) was there as well. A few things not really BOA related: he likes his pizza, he hates e-coli, and it's hard to say he's not a nice guy.

Being the, I assume, most political student association on campus means that political debate is fairly likely to occur. Here is what people were saying in a segment I'd like to call...

Word On the Street
There appears to be an anti-Seamus sentiment amongst students; one campaign volunteer who shall remain anonymous said he/she would drop his/her candidate's campaign in order to run a "No to Seamus campaign."
No clear alternative is being proposed either. Some say Steeves but mention his poor debate performance as an obstacle. Others say Renaud is "idealistic." And not neccessarily in a good way.

Marc Kelly was immediately rejected as a viable candidate.
Vaguely Related

1 comment:

  1. Wow. A "vote no to Seamus" campaign would make this election WAY more fun! Not only Julie should have this honour ;).
