Thursday, February 5, 2009

Presidential Debate Part 1

Marc Kelly: We need to understand that we are part of a hierarchy. We are subjected to different rights and freedoms. Thinks undergrads are not as well protected as graduate students. Is discussing how he was being subjected to political discrimination. Is discussing that professors have final word over what is on the syllabus. Wants students to be able to discuss learning in a democratic manner.

Renaud P Garner: He mentions that last year he ran, just to prove any student can be heard. This year he says he's in it to take the lead. He wants to improve things, says he respects a lot of the hard work of the previous executives. Dig at Seamus for not being at the code protest (I think that's the one) because he was in Louisiana instead. Brings up scalable scholarships again, says that money is there, he just needs to re-orient the money. Ethics committee was promised but never happened. Speaks of reason and diplomacy. Says "respect goes a long way."

Tyler Steeves: Discusses real things that want to be done for students: reciprocal relationship between students and the administration. Wants amalgamated calendar to detail everything on campus and to keep it up to date. Name drops winter challenge- "keep 101 week past 101 week." Says if elected students will definitely remember next year.

Seamus Wolfe: Steeves may have expertise, but Wolfe says he has the experience. Started centre for equity and human rights. Brought task force on campus racism to University of Ottawa. Wants campus united against racism. Speaks of success in getting shuttles running. Talks of code of conduct; says that it wasn't one protest that did it, it was a prolonged effort. Wants to improve community, transparency, student rights, good governance.

One thing you would accomplish next year?
Marc: Administration should be paper pushers, not decision makers. Wants to take over university so students are in control. Professors and students should be in charge.
Renaud: "I don't want a revolution" If he could get one thing done he says it would be a 24 hour library. Says it's about accessibility, access to resources, manner in which to study better. Says it's best for everyone.
Tyler : Promote university culture that he saw when he came to the U of O.
Seamus: "You can clap whenever you want, I don't care" Rebuts Tyler's claim that students don't have kids or a mortgage. Targets Renaud's claim about accessibility saying that he was against accessibility demonstrations. Says he wants to give every student a vote.

How do you see the role of the SFUO in the CFS?
Renaud: Wants SFUO to bring French to the CFS, wants workshops etc. in French as well. Wants to diversify the campaigns undertaken.
Tyler: Mic problems again!
Seamus: Wants the CFS campaigns to have real, concrete effects on our campus.
Marc: Doesn't really member if were part of CFS or not, we have problems here.

Where do you see the SFUO in 5 years?
Tyler: Wants to see people with passion running events, student initiatives from the ground up. Says SFUO is doing a good job, wants SFUO better integrated with the SFUO.
Seamus: Targets Tyler's accusations of Internation Development week being poorly SFUO supported. Says he wants all candidates for president in 5 years to not be white males.
Marc: "I will be here in 5 years because I found out you have 12 years to complete an undergraduate degree" Want students to control university in 5 years.
Renaud: Would like to see a lot of change... "as an alumni." Wants to build relationships with administration, wants to improve scholarships program. Microphone problems are reaching a new high... or low?

They're swapping microphones.

What is the largest defeat that the SFUO faced this year?
Seamus: The inability to defeat the $35 administrative fee for splitting payments. Says it is a tax on the poor. He has mixed up the french words for coffers and haircut. Dommage.
Marc: Wants students to just go to the BOG, there is too little student representation there.
Renaud: Wants a new start with Allan Rock, says relations affect everything from the fees mentioned by Seamus to international students.

My batter is dying, need to switch to borrowing Travis' laptop to continue typing. Public questions are opening.


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