Thursday, February 5, 2009

Audience questions

To Maureen: You're in 2nd year, is that enough experience?
Maureen: Says she has financial experience, she's up to job.
Roxanne: Finance requires a lot of administration and HR, says it's the most administration intensive job on the exec. She says that now that she has the experience, she thinks she is most capable of taking over. She thinks 2 years is a more realistic term for VP finance.

What fruit will you be?
Roxanne: Is avacado a fruit? Crowd says yes. She says she is hard on the outside, soft on the inside and she has a strong core.
Maureen: Says she would also be a Tomato because it is the most contested fruit.

Closing statements:
Maureen: Says vote for her, is a vote for change. Wants include students in SFUO. Says she has the experience and that she is determined.
Roxanne: Says VP finance has a large role in influencing campus life. Roxanne brings up change as well, says she will do it through responsible management.

In the end:
Roxanne got a larger reaction, Maureen seemed less comfortable, especially in french, although I wouldn't say the debate was a blowout by any means.

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