Thursday, February 5, 2009

VP Communication

Julie Séguin is also debating herself.

Opening: Accesibility and technology and she talks quite quickly in French and typing and listening to anyone has been providing me enough problems. Sorry. More face to face contact apparently, wants the website updated more often.
English: Campaign committe open to students to reflect their values, wants to be able to provide clubs etc. with resources to communicate with students.

Moderated questions:
Does the SFUO currently engage students well enough?
Thinks that campaigns really help to bring students in to be involved. Wants more surveys to get feedback from students about residence etc.
Wants polls on website, talks about how info@sfuo email address was created in order to provide a general email for students to communicate with the federation. Talks about Get Involved campaign to get students involved sooner rather than later.

What are the most important tools for advertising?
Posters, but she says they've made fewer posters for events this year. She talks about making website more interactive. Facebook ads.

What happened to TV screen advertising project?
Project has changed, there was an outside company working on it but now they're trying to do it without ads. It's an ongoing process, can't be summed up in under a minute. She would like to make them available to clubs etc. She talks about selling ads on the screens back to the university, which I find amusing.

There was a French question here, I missed it talking about something else.

Audience questions:
I think she's talking about translation at BOA meetings, apparently it's really expensive. Again, I'm a little busy.

Ryan Kennery says he isn't running for anything: applause.
He asks when the student consultation promised by Julie will start.
-she mentions consultation on electoral reform as well as sustainability committee, as well as consultation on declaration on students rights amongst other things.

Question about if posters will ever be eliminated or VP communications roundtables will be opened to more people?
Discussion of 5 year plan of paperless campus. Discussion of events.sfuo page only, no posters. Says open roundtables is a "great idea", could open it to just general discussion.

Tristan has a list of things he wants Julie to talk about. She says she can't remember them all, and I know I certainly can't. I think he posted it at his blog which you can find on the side over there.->

There is a question as to why it took so long to get the SFUO calendar so long to get up and running.
Julie: They created their own calendar in order to fulfill their needs instead of using a pre-made calendar.

I missed the last part of this due to conversations occurring in my vicinity. Oops. So did Tristan, although he blames it on biting his nails.

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